Live Well
Home Loans

Newsflash:  No matter which lender you go with, all loans are basically the same! You get the money, you are charged interest, and you make repayments.

Different lenders promote their loans as being better than the others but the reality is that a loan is a loan.

It's What We Do With the Information
the Others Throw Away that Makes Us the Best

When you apply for a loan you must declare what you earn and what you spend.

It can take you hours to gather all the facts and figures that the lender requires for the application process.

BUT once your loan is approved (and here’s the really painful bit), all the information you took hours to dig up goes in the bin! You get a handshake, the money, and 30 years hard labour! (Oh and good luck managing your finances, paying your bills, and having a great life!)

Introducing 'Live Well' Home Loans

What makes our home loans the best is not the loans (they’re all basically the same). It’s what we do with the information you painstakingly collected for your loan application that allows us to help you live well beyond getting your loan.

Instead of dumping that information at the end of the process, we feed it into Australia’s #1 Personal Cash-flow planning software, and show you how the information you submitted for the loan application can generate an extremely powerful personal money plan that will make money management a breeze, bill paying much easier, and help you to Live Well for years into the future.

Let’s face it, in reality, getting your loan approved is not the end of a journey, it’s the beginning. At Live Well Home Loans we draw on 28 years of experience in helping people like you to have new beginnings and fulfilling journeys. WE ARE BREAKING THE MOULD and changing people’s lives. Give us a call today… 0476 053 650 or request a call…

If our competitors knew how much our clients benefit from making use of the information they throw away, they would be changing people's lives like we do too!

Remember, there is GOLD in the information you gather for your home loan application, so why not stake a claim now!

We help you to use your income and expense information to generate a unique ‘crystal ball’ view that looks into your financial future to create the life you really want while paying off your home loan at a speed that suits your plans for your future. Here is your opportunity to secure the loan you want, for the home you want, with the opportunity to Live Well well into the future.

We’ve been doing money planning for over a quarter of a century, so you can be confident we know our stuff and we’re on your side.

Our clients often have a strong desire to focus on one of the following:
  • Overcome ‘Cost of Living’ pressures
  • Secure ‘first home finance’ sooner
  • Accelerate debt reduction
  • Grow their ‘Life Happens’ fund to negate life’s bigger little surprises
  • Lifestyle choices such as taking a Family Holiday, buying a New Car, a Swimming Pool or any number of other goals
We’ll help you to do this too using our unique and powerful software system.

“With more than 25 years experience and over 30,000 customers you know we have YOU and YOUR best interest as our primary focus.”